
Important privacy statement

The information that Prosper and its partner delivery organisations collects from you on this form includes your personal information. Your personal information is protected by law, including by the Commonwealth Privacy Act. The client management system that we are using is an IT system called the ‘Data Exchange’.

This system is hosted by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Your personal information that is stored by the Department on the Data Exchange will only be disclosed to us for the purposes of managing your case. The Department de-identifies and aggregates data in the Data Exchange to produce information for policy development, grants program administration, and research and evaluation purposes. This includes producing reports for sharing with organisations.

This information will not include information that identifies you, or information that can be used to re-identify you, in any way. You can find more information about the way the Department will manage your personal information in the Department’s APP privacy policy, which the Department has published on its website.

This policy contains information about how you may access the personal information about you that is stored on the Data Exchange and seek correction of that information.

This policy also includes information about how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles by the Department, and how the Department will deal with your complaint.

By completing this form you are giving permission to Prosper and its partner delivery organisations to;

Share de-identified information with the Department of Social Services for the purpose of evaluating the services.

Contact you in the future to provide more information about programs and assistance we can provide.

 Take photographs, video footage and/or statements/testimonials you make/makes while attending the program for editorial, advertising or any other promotional purpose.

By completing this form:

• You understand that your participation in the program is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw from the program at any time.

• You understand that you can withdraw this consent at any time.

• You understand that your personal information on this document will be collected and securely stored.
